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ON1 Effects 2025

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Jumping Right In

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Jumping Right In

919 Views 00:08:44

A few basic but critical tips to jumpstart your courageous journey into videography.

Capturing Video for Still PhotographersFree Preview

Photography and video have many things in common – but they’re also different mediums that require specific technical know-how, techniques, tools, and a certain creative approach. This course is designed to quickly get photographers up to speed on video production’s various ins and outs and ultimately allow them to shoot better video with the camera...

Jumping Right In

A few basic but critical tips to jumpstart your courageous journey into videography.

Video Mode

Let’s discuss technical concepts that are important when shifting from still photography to video.

Composition Primer

Why change compositions over the course of a shot? Because it’s awesome. It’s also the name of the game in film & video.

Composition - Camera Movement

An in-depth exploration of the many techniques and tools available to add movement to shots.


As a photographer, you may have mostly ignored sound up to this point in your life. Unfortunately, this is no longer an option. This lesson will help you appreciate the sonic world surrounding you and guide you through the basics of capturing decent audio in different scenarios.

Download the course assets and watch the videos offline. Depending on your internet speed you may need to download one at a time. Learn on-the-go without worrying about your internet connection. This content is yours to have and keep forever.

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