Sometimes you have a perfect scene in front of you, and the only camera you have on you is your phone. You can still capture detailed and vivid images with your phone with some help in post-production. In this video, you can learn how to capture photos and then quickly get them from your phone into ON1 Photo RAW. We will use Photo Raw’s powerful, innovative features to turn your mobile shots into professional-looking photographs.
BeginnerON1 Photo RAWEffectsDylan KoteckiDevelop2022EditResizeBrowseMobile
On June 28, 2022 at 5:26 am Graham Brazendale wrote:
What a lot of messing about! far easier to simply go into Apple Photos on your Mac, select the photo you want to edit, go to the upper right menu bar, press edit, press on the thee dots in white circle and select to edit in ON1 RAW 2021 or ON1 Effects 2022, or whatever.
Your photo, which is already in Photos thanks to auto syncing in iCloud, is already available and appears in your selected ON1 photo product for editing as usual.
When you have finished editing, press done and your edited photo is now in Apple Photos app, without any importing into ON1 or into folders.
I believe the only current ON1 photo product the above will not work with is ON1 Photo RAW 2022, perhaps because ON1 would prefer you to use their products rather than Apples, though you probably already have Apples anyway. A real shame.
Hope the above helps.
Best regards, Graham.
On June 28, 2022 at 8:33 am Patrick Smith replied:
Not everyone is on a Mac, so why not show other methods for syncing?
On June 29, 2022 at 5:01 am Andrew Makiejewski replied:
Not everyone has an apple computer. I owned a Mac mini for a bit. There computers are way over priced. I was going to replace my mini, but when the new one was over $1,000.00 for the base unit, no way.
From your comments, you want to work only within the Apple eco system. Other don’t want to. I own an iPhone and iPad, but that is it.
On June 29, 2022 at 8:35 am Philip Marsh replied:
Not like an Apple owner to assume everyone else uses Macs, is it? π
Given this is an ON1 tutorial based around ON1 products, hardly surprising it’s demonstrating the ON1 eco system really.
This is more an ON1 360 related tutorial really, anyway – and therefore not platform specific, which is really the point.
As a Mac owner, you have another way of syncing. As a PC owner, not using 360, I have my way of getting files from my phone to my laptop too. No big deal.
On June 29, 2022 at 8:11 am James Walmsley wrote:
Thanks for a good video, Dylan. Appreciated your tips before. ON1 Photo mobile is a great app for capturing in raw on any phone or tablet, seamless with ON1 Photo Raw. I prefer to use ON1 Photo Raw as my standalone editor from A to Z. I have yet to see anything come close to the all inclusive features as are now available in version 2022.5 Thanks to the whole gang! Best regards, James