It goes without saying that if you want to be a travel photographer, you’re going to have to travel every now and again. In this video, I touch on my strategy for planning trips ahead of time and making sure they’re paid off before the plane takes off.
Long story short: I live well below my means. Travel is a major priority in my life. It’s more important to me than the latest iPhone, Macbook Pro, drone, camera body…you name it. Back around 2008 when I was still a banker, I discovered a book called “The Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey. There’s no magic inside the pages, just a time-tested and proven plan for getting out of debt and taking control of your finances. I got to work immediately and through years and years of hard work (we had dug ourselves quite a hole), my wife and I were able to become debt free in 2012. Today, I don’t buy anything on credit. If I want/need something expensive, I save up for it if I don’t already have the money. Photography trips are no different: Whether you’re 22 or 77, you simply can’t travel on a regular basis if you’re going into debt with every trip you take. It isn’t sustainable. That may “work” for a trip or two, but after a while it’s going to get really old and stressful making payments on a trip you took years ago with the next one coming up around the corner.
Once you’ve watched the video, please join me in the comments below. I’ll be around to answer questions and discuss anything else. Cheers!
How I Travel Regularly Without Going Into Debt
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