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Food Photography

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Food Photography

340 Views 00:14:30

In this lesson, we explore ways to capture cuisine and food. Think lighting, think detail!

Mobile Mini-Course: From Capture to ShareFree Preview

In the course, we’ll explore creative ways to utilize Photo RAW for Mobile’s camera in a variety of in-the-field scenarios. We’ll start by covering mobile photography techniques and common equipment used in various shooting situations. From there, we’ll dive into 5 creative mobile photography shoots, showing behind-the-scenes instructions on how each image is created. Download...

Mobile Photography Tips & Accessories

In the first lesson, we discuss various techniques to capturing compelling mobile photography. We’ll also cover popular mobile camera accessories.

Food Photography

In this lesson, we explore ways to capture cuisine and food. Think lighting, think detail!

Macro Photography

In this lesson, we dive into the tiny world of macro photography using our mobile camera. Remember, make sure your subject is in focus!

Pet Photography

In this lesson, we capture captivating images of our pets. If you can keep your furry friend still for the photo, it helps immensely!

Structural Photography

In this lesson, we take our phones to the streets to capture roadways, buildings, and bridges. Level, level, level!

Silhouette Photography

In this lesson, we’ll aim our cameras at the light to create fun silhouettes. The backlight is everything here, throw in a captivating background, and boom… epic photo!

Download the course assets and watch the videos offline. Depending on your internet speed you may need to download one at a time. Learn on-the-go without worrying about your internet connection. This content is yours to have and keep forever.

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