Coming in Photo RAW 2021.5 is the ability to watch our How-To tutorials right as you work in the app. You will also have access to Loyalty Rewards, and other helpful resources.
Version 2021 is a big release! Read about every feature we released in version 2021 and 2021.1.
3 comments on “New In-Product Learning Hub”
On April 24, 2021 at 1:33 pm Jens Cramer wrote:
Great feature; this is what I need. Where can I find this?
On May 5, 2021 at 10:22 am David Hyre wrote:
This is awesome! You all put SO much work into your extensive video library, this leverages them quite gracefully. I love how ON1 keeps improving.
On May 5, 2021 at 10:26 am David Hyre wrote:
One thought, perhaps I missed it in the video – are the tutorials shown context-sensitive, listing first the videos relevant to the tool currently open and/or the last few tools used? That would make this at least twice as useful, and onboard new users far faster.
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