Hey everybody! I’m very excited to introduce myself to you, my name is Dylan Kotecki and I’m the new in-house Content Creator at ON1. I’ve been making weekly videos, I hope you have had a chance to check them out.
I bought my first camera with the intention of using it as a video camera for school. I enjoyed making movies but there was something so much more appealing to me about documenting things through still photos. The moment I knew I wanted to pursue photography professionally was when I bought a wide-angle lens and started photographing architecture. I started off with a few clients in Missoula but I knew I had to move to a bigger market if I wanted to be a photographer full time. I chose Portland and moved here 3 weeks after I graduated from college.
As soon as I got into Portland I started marketing myself and slowly started building a client base. I shot for anyone and everyone looking for photos, mainly shooting real estate for about 2 years until this opportunity came up with ON1.
I am now a Content Creator with ON1 and that allows me to shoot all the time. Working at ON1 and creating videos for Photo RAW has really helped me get creative with my camera. I get inspired to go out and photograph because I love everything about the process. I love the sound the shutter makes and the feeling when you know you got “the one”. I love looking through a fresh shoot and finding the best shots and editing them. Most of all I enjoy sharing my knowledge of photography and post-processing techniques with others. Photography is inspiring to me because it helps people convey their style and personality through imagery. What I love about ON1 is that it inspires me to learn and progress with my photography. There are so many great tools and resources at ON1 to help people become better photographers and editors.
For me, ON1 Photo RAW is my creative engine. I love getting creative inside of Effects, stacking and blending filters to really make my photo come to life. The way you can blend and mask any effect and local adjustment really allows you to customize specific areas on your photos and create a unique image. It helps you keep your looks natural and appealing. I probably spend more time in effects than any other module because it has everything I need to edit a photo properly and to completion.
What you can expect to see from me in the future is a number of things. The majority of the videos I create will be free for everyone to watch on the ON1 Blog, YouTube, etc. but I will be stepping into ON1 Plus from time to time with special videos just for the community.
I’m looking forward to interacting with everyone. If you’re interested in seeing more of my work go check out my site.
Thank you for taking the time to read. I can’t wait to get started working with you guys. Leave your comments and questions below.
8 comments on “Meet ON1 Educator: Dylan Kotecki”
On July 20, 2018 at 7:12 am Jennifer Stepanski wrote:
Hi Dylan,
Welcome to the group!
It’s always great to have information and ideas coming from a new source. You have really beautiful work and it looks like you have a real talent for food photography. You said you started off taking photos for real estate, what do you prefer to photograph now? I’m looking forward to learning how you use the effects panel to shape your images.
On July 23, 2018 at 11:24 am Dylan Kotecki replied:
Hey Jennifer!
Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it. I would say now food might be one of my favorite things to shoot but since working at ON1 with all of these landscape masters I’ve been really diving into landscapes lately as well. I’m glad and I look forward to showing you!
On July 20, 2018 at 8:16 am Jan Peterson wrote:
Hi Dylan. Here is an idea. Given your background, I’d love to see you process a couple of real estate photos entirely in On1. It would be great if you could blend an ambient with a flash shot so shadows can be fixed, and/or a properly exposed interior shot with one exposed for the view out the window. And I’d like to see how you corrected for color casts and blown out lights. And, if you’re really adventuresome, how you fix reflections in TVs, add a fire in the fireplace, etc.
Jan P.
On July 23, 2018 at 11:27 am Dylan Kotecki replied:
Hi Jan,
We do have some real estate photography videos coming up so I will definitely touch on those topics, especially the window exposure and interior shadows aspects.
Thanks for the comment!
On September 9, 2018 at 10:40 am Brian Lowe wrote:
Great TIPS of the Week – have enjoyed and learned a lot from them.
Question – how can i save the tips to my hard drive ? They would be great to have as a reference when iam editing a photo and not on-line.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
On February 5, 2019 at 4:05 pm Bob Brandia wrote:
Hi Dylan. I’m also interested in learning more about real estate photography, but more from shooting for a contractor to show the before and after of remodeling. In the past I’ve used Capture One to correct parallel walls, etc in an image, and really like that aspect of their software. But now that I’m much more into ON1, how would I accomplish the same thing?
On April 9, 2019 at 1:13 pm JeanMaurice wrote:
Hi Dylan,
Love the replace the sky with texture. Where did you get the birds textures? are they for sale somewhere.
Thans for your awesome teaching
On February 9, 2025 at 11:15 am Ken Smith wrote:
Hi Dylan,
I’ve been following and learning from you since you joined ON1. As you’ve grown, so have I. There was one edit you did within the last 6 months, of a cathedral ceiling. I have returned from a visit to Spain and have a lot of cathedral ceilings to edit. The way you brought out the detail and beauty in your edit was impressive – tha’s whhy this comment.
Can you direct me to that video please.
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