Generative AI transforms photography and photo editing by offering tools that simplify complex tasks like removing distractions and expanding image boundaries. At ON1, we’ve integrated AI into our products for over five years, and in Photo RAW 2025, we’re introducing new features like the Generative Eraser, Generative Crop, and Generative Replace. These tools allow photographers to enhance images with speed and precision. You can run them locally on your computer or use a cloud-based option through our partner, While generative AI isn’t perfect, it offers exciting opportunities for creativity and efficiency in photography.

Today, photography, like many other endeavors, is impacted by artificial intelligence, or AI for short. AI, also called machine learning, is transforming how many sectors operate. It can simplify complex tasks, improve search results, find data correlations, and more. In the world of photography, it enhances results and speeds up repetitive tasks. At ON1, we’ve been using AI in our products for over five years, so we are no strangers to its capabilities. Our approach to AI is to assist photographers in solving complex or repetitive tasks.

AI technology is evolving faster than anyone could have predicted. It has moved from a novelty to a mainstream business imperative in just a few years. The rapidly changing technology is being driven by new types of AI, such as large language models and diffusion models. These newer models possess greater contextual understanding than earlier generations and can produce astounding results that rival human output. In the photography space, diffusion models have given rise to what we call generative AI—the ability to create new pixels, including entire images, from basic text or other minimal input. Like any new technology, it can be used for both good and harm. Many photographers worry about being replaced by AI or having their photos stolen by it. Additionally, this technology can create scenes that never existed in reality, which to many feels like the antithesis of photography.

Fearmongering aside, when used responsibly generative AI is super valuable. Two areas where it can enhance real photographs are in removing large distractions and expanding the photo’s boundaries. Both tasks have traditional, non-AI solutions that photographers have used for years, but mastering these skills can take years. Generative AI allows us to accomplish these tasks much faster. In Photo RAW 2025, we introduce generative AI in the form of the Generative Eraser and Generative Crop.

Think of the Generative Eraser as the evolution of the Perfect Eraser. It will be the new standard for removing large distractions from your photos. However, this doesn’t mean it will be suitable for everything. We still recommend the non-destructive healing brush for small or simple retouching tasks, which works well in many everyday situations. But when dealing with more challenging tasks like removing photobombers, bystanders, signs, braces, cars, etc., the Generative Eraser excels. The workflow is slightly different, as generative AI doesn’t produce the same result when identical input is given repeatedly. Therefore, the results must be saved rather than replayed like other non-destructive settings. The output from the Generative Eraser is applied to a new copy of the layer you’re working on, allowing you to retry as much as you like to achieve the desired result.

Similarly, think of Generative Crop as the next step beyond content-aware crop. It’s an option when you use the crop tool to expand the canvas beyond the original photo, allowing you to recompose the shot if necessary. It’s like zooming out after the fact. The results from Generative Crop far surpass the quality of content-aware crop. Like the Generative Eraser, its results are created on a new layer copy.

As part of the Photo RAW 2025 product lifecycle, we will introduce a third generative AI tool—Generative Replace. This new option within the Generative Eraser allows you to use a text prompt to influence the generation of a specific area. For example, you could add a bird to a fence or place the moon in the sky.

At this point, you may be wondering what is required to use these features. We offer a solution that works locally on your computer and an option that works in the cloud with a partner. To use these features locally, you’ll need a modern GPU with at least 4GB of VRAM. These GPUs include the RTX 1070, 2060, 3050, and 4060 or better for NVIDIA or the Radeon 570, 5300XT, 6400, or 7600 for AMD. Of course, each card does require the latest drivers. Apple Silicon systems with 16GB or more RAM will work as well. Running these features locally instead of in the cloud protects your privacy since no photos go there. It also allows us to provide generative AI features without requiring a subscription. Keep in mind that diffusion models are typically run in the cloud on large servers equipped with specialized GPUs designed for AI processing. To make these models functional on standard PC gamer GPUs, we’ve had to scale them down. While they should generally yield acceptable results, they may not be as precise as some cloud-based solutions.

If your system doesn’t meet the minimum recommended requirements, we’ve partnered with, the creators of Stable Diffusion, for an in-app integration with their cloud-based service. Visit to create an account and purchase credits. Then, enter your Stability key in Photo RAW, and Photo RAW will use Stability in the cloud for these tools. (Each tool usage currently costs 3–4 credits, with each credit priced at one cent USD at the time of this writing). Anyone can use Stability integration, as it is not limited to users with low-end systems. The Stability integration can sometimes yield different results, which may be better in some cases, and it can also be faster depending on your hardware specifications.’s terms of service protect your privacy.

Now, let’s discuss what to expect in terms of results when using these tools. While it’s an exciting and valuable development, it is imperfect, just like any other AI-based tool. You’ll usually get excellent, usable results on the first try with most photo editors using this technology. Sometimes, however, you may need to retry to achieve the results you want. Remember, each attempt will yield different outcomes. We return the results to a copy of the original photo layer, allowing you greater control over blending and adjustments. In our tests, our results are comparable to those of others editors with the same techhnology. Nobody does a great job 100% of the time, but all of them do pretty darn good most of  the time. You can view a few examples below. As with all AI features, there may be times when it fails to deliver the desired results, but again, as you can see, not everyone is perfect 100% of the time. Rest assured, we are continuously working to improve the output and provide updated models as we train them.

Generative AI is a powerful tool that reshapes the landscape of photography and photo editing. At ON1, our goal is to empower photographers with AI that simplifies complex tasks without compromising the artistic integrity of their work. While AI is not without its challenges and imperfections, it offers exciting new possibilities for creativity and efficiency. With tools like the Generative Eraser, Generative Crop, and the upcoming Generative Replace, we are very excited to continue exploring this technology’s potential. As AI continues to evolve, so will our products, always with the photographer’s needs first.