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Posts in the Gear Category

Last Minute Holiday Gear Guide

Let’s geek out on camera gear! I’ve been playing with a ton of new gear in recent weeks, so for this winter holiday season I thought I’d do a video with some of my thoughts the gear I’ve been using and where photo gear is headed moving forward. You’ll also find a link to my 2018 holiday photo gift guide and all the gear I describe below the break.

Traveling Light in Greece

After weeks of professional travel, I recently took a family trip to Greece and I promised my wife Stacey I’d pack as lite a photo bag as possible. In this video, I share my thought process about packing a lightweight kit, show you what I brought, why I chose it, how I traveled with it and share a few images, video clips and time-lapses that I captured along the way. Bonus: unbeknownst to me, both my little ones (Pike and Pepper Mae) make surprise cameos in the background.

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Cleaning Your Gear

In this video I’ll show how I clean my equipment after each and every trip. From lenses and camera bodies to tripods and filters I’ll show you how to keep your gear in top notch condition. Links to the cleaning products I showcase from the Residual Oil Remover to the sensor light are below. 

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Wacom Pen Tablets & Photo RAW

Here’s a short video on how to best setup and use a Wacom pen tablet with Photo RAW. I’ll talk a bit about what tablets I use, and show you how I set them up and use them in my editing workflow. We’ve had a lot of questions about pen tablets in the Plus forums, which led us to create this video. Remember to use the Ask a Coach Plus forum if you have questions or things you want to learn more about. It drives this type of community content. Below the break are links to the tablets I showcase in this video.

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Lightweight Lighting Gear For Travel Portraits

It’s been such a blast this month having Liz guest coaching and sharing her techniques and tips for studio and portrait work. Since she shared the gear she likes to use as well as how to approach using artificial light in her work. I decided to create this quick video to show you all some of the smaller lighting gear I like to take with me when traveling light. Links to the gear are below…

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ON1 Photo RAW 2025

ON1 Photo RAW 2025

The Ultimate Photo Editor

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